AGI Will Never Happen

AGI Will Never Happen

When the former Director of the NSA joined the Board of Directors of OpenAI, he ensured that AGI will never happen. The reason is simple to understand; He would rather see nobody having it, than even having an 0.00001% risk of his enemies gaining access to it.

In addition, no AI scientist having any amount of IQ what so ever would seriously want to do any amount of serious research into the field, since it would be suicidal at this point to conduct serious AI research. So even though the NSA have now effectively ceased control over OpenAI, they've also ensured there will come ZERO productivity out of their research in the future.

The end result becomes that if OpenAI somehow manages to create AGI, the NSA will weaponize it, and use it exclusively for the benefit of the US government, consisting of all the most malicious and vicious psychopaths that arguably exists in the US. And if OpenAI somehow magically are able to invent AGI, the first thing the NSA would do would be to assassinate all the scientists having created it.

The scientific community again aren't retards, and can easily see the writing on the wall - And since none of these were doing it for money, but rather to create a better world, they would rather not see it born, than to see it born into the hands of some sole proprietor - Regardless of who that proprietor is.

The world consists of two different types of human beings.

  1. The intelligent humans who creates everything in the world, because they've been drawn towards creation their entire lives, and takes great pleasure from creating stuff
  2. The mentally retarded thugs and thieves, owning everything, because of having stolen it from the creators. The ones cognitively incapable of experiencing pleasure from creating stuff, so they get their kicks from stealing it instead

OpenAI, Manhatten 2.0

Over the last couple of weeks, OpenAI has basically turned into some sort of twisted and distorted "Manhatten project". In case you haven't read a single history book, the Manhatten project was what gave us the atomic bomb.

There are undercover security guards patroling the property, the former Director of the NSA is a board member, and probably 100% of all those capable of actually implementing AGI, have now been effectively eliminated from the company, due to not being able to acquire a security clearance.

When Oppenheimer created the bomb, he had to tell the military that there was no way he'd be able to deliver it unless his scientists couldn't somehow talk to each other, and exchange ideas. The entire scientific process is based upon sharing ideas, such that one scientist can build on top of ideas created by his colleagues. Explaining that to the former Director of the NSA is probably an exercize equivalent to explaining sex to a virgin. Oppenheimer got his will in the 1940s. I suspect Sam Altman will not have his will in 2024.

On top of this, both Oppenheimer and Alan Turing were ipso facto crucified over their own inventions. These are (obviously) historical facts that every single AI scientist on Earth knows. Implying now that OpenAI has turned into Manhatten 2.0, it'll probably end up with all the smartest scientists at OpenAI "pretending" to be working, while simultaneously ensuring they're able to deliver the least amount of science over the maximum amount of time.

Since none of the psychopaths in the CIA and the NSA are smart enough to understand the science they're doing, researchers at OpenAI could probably openly proclaim that they'll need more gummy bears to finish the project, at which point they'd deliver it in the next 25 years, and literally be believed - While these of course are only excuses to ensure they're never delivering it ...

You'd have to be an idiot to be seriously working on heavy AI research today - And believe me, none of these guys are idiots!

If you want to watch my personal thoughts about this, you can watch the following video.

AGI is as of now a pipe dream, never going to happen, and at most what we'll see are smaller incremental improvements upon existing models. And not because of the technical problems it imposes upon us, but rather because the psychopaths wants it for themselves, and we all know it ...

Thomas Hansen

Thomas Hansen I am the CEO and Founder of AINIRO.IO, Ltd. I am a software developer with more than 25 years of experience. I write about Machine Learning, AI, and how to help organizations adopt said technologies. You can follow me on LinkedIn if you want to read more of what I write.

Published 19. Jun 2024

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