Create your own SearchGPT Today

OpenAI's latest product called 'SearchGPT' is kick ass, but it's got a waiting list, and it's only released for a selected few users. With AINIRO you can have it today!

  • Posted By: thomas
  • 26 July 2024
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Facebook doing Great Stuff with Open Source AI

Every now and then we get an unlikely champion. When it comes to AI, Meta and Facebook has truly done some amazing stuff. Their latest move to open source their 405B model is simply amazing.

  • Posted By: thomas
  • 24 July 2024
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Customer Service - Will AI Take Your Job?

If you're working with Customer Service you're probably wondering about how to deal with AI. My point of view is to embrace it before it drowns you.

  • Posted By: thomas
  • 23 July 2024
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Buy a ChatGPT-4 Website Chatbot for $29

Starting from today AINIRO can deliver an AI chatbot to you for $29 per month, allowing you to embed ChatGPT 4 on your website.

  • Posted By: thomas
  • 21 July 2024
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An Honest InMail

Every single day I'm contacted by 20+ Indians trying to sell me services. This made me wonder what it would take for me to actually buy anything from them. Here's my conclusion.

  • Posted By: thomas
  • 19 July 2024
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Magic Cloud 101 - Introduction to the Dashboard

Magic Cloud is our Low-Code and No-Code flagship product, and what drives our AI chatbot technology. This is the first article in a series explaining its internals.

  • Posted By: thomas
  • 18 July 2024
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Mister President, AINIRO is Ready to Serve

Saturday the 13th of July Donald Trump was attempted assassinated, and I want to write up a blog about our feelings about it.

  • Posted By: thomas
  • 15 July 2024
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How to adopt AI Chatbots for your Hospitality Company

The Hospitality Industry is a conservative industry, so when adopting AI it is crucial this is done in such a way that you don't lose focus of what you want to achieve.

  • Posted By: thomas
  • 12 July 2024
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How Google is Profiting from Slavery while Stealing from You

Google is profiting from slavery, they know about it, and the don't care. If anything, their actions are increasing the problem.

  • Posted By: thomas
  • 11 July 2024
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How to Save your Supabase App from Crashing

Adding business logic to your Supabase app is difficult and cumbersome. By using Hyperlambda as a 'database API gateway' you can significantly simplify it using no-code and low-code

  • Posted By: thomas
  • 10 July 2024
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Port your Supabase App to Hyperlambda

Supabase is a toy low-code framework, without the ability to easily add business logic to your endpoints. Magic is a real low-code framework, allowing you to port your Supabase app to Hyperlambda in some few seconds.

  • Posted By: thomas
  • 9 July 2024
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GitHub Scams as a Business Model

GitHub has been stolen by scammers, looking to artificially inflate their 'social credit score', by duping the world into believing they're 'smart'.

  • Posted By: thomas
  • 9 July 2024
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