Create AI Agent CRM Systems in Minutes

According to most first class Nasdaq CEOs, we're almost at the point where we can completely replace software developers with AI Agents. Marc Benioff, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jensen Huang have all claimed they'll be delivering AI agents capable of replacing mid-level software developers by the end of 2025. It's difficult to argue after having watched me create a CRM system in 7 minutes.
The process
I start out by asking the LLM to create a CRM database for me. No SQL knowledge required, beyond the basics such as relationships, foreign keys, columns, etc. When I'm done I ask the LLM to generate some exemple data for me, also without knowing SQL.
When the database is done, I use the endpoint generator to generate CRUD endpoints wrapping my database. Then I use natural language to create a KPI endpoint, returning the most profitable customers from the database. At this point I've got about 4,000 lines of code. Everything is entirely based upon no-code and low-code, and could in theory have been done by anyone.
When this process is done, I generate AI functions from my code, resulting in an AI agent that's capable of matching natural language instructions to my RAG database - Which at this point contains instructions for the LLM about how to handle my database. After about 7 minutes, I've got a shiny new CRM system, built and delivered as an AI agent, allowing its users to literally talk to their CRM system.
In theory some could argue that I just replaced SalesForce's value proposition. Implying it took me 7 minutes to outperform a company (SalesForce) worth approximately 230 billion US dollars using low-code, no-code, and AI. And the resulting product is much more user friendly, doesn't need documentation (it's self documenting), and I can speak to it while driving my car allowing me to use it without risking other people's lives. You can try the system below (choose the CRM type).
What does this mean?
I don't really agree with those who claims we'll all loose our jobs as software developers. The reasons are because regardless of how smart the AI becomes, somebody still needs to prompt the AI. And to prompt the AI requires understanding foreign keys, the difference between integer and decimal types, strings, and dates. Otherwise you'll not be able to fix things when the AI does something wrong.
However, if I was to use traditional software development to accomplish the above, I'd need months, possibly years to create what I did in 7 minutes in the above video.
This implies I can create a 100% custom CRM system, based upon domain knowledge from my clients, transpile it into a database, wrap the database into API endpoints, and associate these with my AI Agent - Resulting in a natural language-based CRM system specifically created for a specific company. I have worked in software development departments where 5 people worked full time for years to deliver CRM systems like the one I create in 7 minutes in the above video.
To continue like nothing has changed becomes madness
How to keep your job
If you want to keep your software development job in the AI Agent era, there's absolutely no denying you'll have to embrace it. If you don't, somebody else will, and that other person will simply be 1,000x faster and more productive than you.
For me as a CEO it's a no-brainer. If a software developer applies for a job with AINIRO and starts roasting AI claiming it's not valuable, I'd politely show the person the door and tell him to not come back.
If a person came to me and showed me the above however, I'd probably rapidly conclude with that "this is the guy we're hiring" - And it's really that simple. Embrace AI before AI makes you go extinct.
Have a Custom AI Solution
At AINIRO we specialise in delivering custom AI solutions and AI chatbots with AI agent features. If you want to talk to us about how we can help you implement your next custom AI solution, you can reach out to us below.