How to Create an Ai-Ai Shitboat in 30 Seconds

How to Create an Ai-Ai Shitboat in 30 Seconds

Work should be fun! If it's not, it becomes intolerable. Sarcasm and irony can be a vehicle for giggles and laughs, also for people working with serious subjects such as AI and software development.

However, how do you create an AI-based social media participant that builds upon these constructs, hopefully balancing things, such that it doesn't go "over the line" and mortally insults people to the point where there's no return?

I'm on a quest to find out

Obviously if a human being insults you, you become angry - Sometimes beyond the point of no return - Where you're so angry, there is no going back and no forgiveness can exist.

However, is the same true for a machine? As in, if you are explained after being insulted that it was in fact an AI-based machine that insulted you, will you still be upset?

I don't think so. I believe if you get to "see what's behind the curtain" after having been insulted, you might instead of staying angry, actually share a couple of giggles with its creator. This article is the "what's behind the curtains" part ...

You can't hide AI generated content

For a long time I've realised you can't hide AI-generated content. Every time I read an article, I can within some few seconds determine if it was written by an AI or not. So instead of hiding it, I figured we might as well put it out on the table, be upfront about it, while still (hopefully) generate AI-based content that's tolerable, due to its psychological profile, resulting in that people actually laughs from it, and perceives it as a fun addition to their otherwise boring lives.

Basically, using humour, sarcasm, and irony to create some giggles

The means to do this would be to use sarcasm and irony, to offend people publicly, to generate an emotional response - For only to afterwards letting them know it was generated by an AI, with the intention to generate that exact response - Hopefully resulting in sharing a couple of laughs in the end.

My theory is that real humour is tied towards insults, simularly to how real life is tied towards death. Parachuters claims they're never living as much as when they're dropping from the sky. True laughs are similar, in that you have to experience getting "a whoppin" on your ego before you can truly laugh.

The only true joy you will ever have, is the type of joy that mortally wounds your own ego

In the video below I show you how I took my own psychological profile, exaggerated my worst psychological traits, for then to create a super imposed AI Expert System, that could arguably be said to be my own personal version of "Mr. Hyde". Basically, the type of guy I would be online if nobody was looking, and my words had no consequences - Or the type of guy I'd be if I registered an anonymous account on Reddit, to share my honest opinions about "whatever."

If you came here because of a hyperlink in a comment, please forgive me. I used my own AI model to generate that comment, and the comment I gave you was in fact not mine, but the above AI system's comment. Hopefully now that you know "what's behind the curtain" we can share the laugh I had as I generated that comment 😊

Thomas Hansen

Thomas Hansen I am the CEO and Founder of AINIRO.IO, Ltd. I am a software developer with more than 25 years of experience. I write about Machine Learning, AI, and how to help organizations adopt said technologies. You can follow me on LinkedIn if you want to read more of what I write.

Published 4. Jul 2024

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