Salesforce Einstein versus AINIRO's Frank

I have tried to write this article 3 times, but failed every time, because I ended up having a Tourette seizure every time I tried to write it. To understand why, you need to watch the video below. And if you start reading this article, it is very important you read all of it. If you stop reading after half of it, you will completely misunderstand the point ...
In March of 2023 Salesforce launched their AI chatbot called Einstein GPT. Since then Salesforce have increased their market cap by 150 billion US dollars. I don't have access to their shareholder communication, but according to the director of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 36% of Fortune 500 companies are labelling themselves as an "AI company" these days - Salesforce being one of these - Something you can clearly see from their press release of their Einstein GPT.
The chairman of the SEC have started charging some of these companies for fraud over something the SEC calls "AI washing", which is when a company is capitalising on the AI hype, without having any actual AI products or real AI initiatives.
Salesforce Einstein
Below is Salesforce's press release of their "Einstein GPT" from the 7th of March 2023. Please read the title carefully.
Salesforce have 3 claims on their press release stating from March of 2023, these are as follows.
- Einstein is GPT
- Einstein is Generative AI
- World's first for CRM
Ignoring the fact that our AI chatbot had CRM integrations long before they released their alleged AI chatbot, let's dive into their first two claims. But instead of me debunking them, let me show you 3 screenshots of their "Einstein Assistant" for a couple of example questions I asked it.

How is this generative AI? Where's the AI? Can you see it?
If you want to try a real AI chatbot, you can click the link below to trigger our AI chatbot that clearly demonstrates how a real AI chatbot should be created.
Notice the quality difference between their alleged "AI chatbot" and our real AI chatbot below.
Screenshot of AINIRO Chatbot 1

Screenshot of AINIRO Chatbot 2

Facts are that Salesforce's Einstein Assistant is not an AI chatbot, it's a rule-based chatbot at best. The stuff we've created since the late 1960s. In fact, I created something similar myself in 1982 on my Oric 1 when I was 8 years old. Still "Einstein Assistant" is indirectly being marketed as an AI chatbot.
Most AI chatbots we've looked at created by Fortune 500 companies are like this. There's no AI in them, and they are just rushed products, with zero substance and no real value. This implies that such companies might be guilty of Securities Fraud which carries a maximum penalty of 25 years in prison. Below is what ChatGPT told me when I explained the situation to it and asked it about it.
My prompt
If a company is communicating to its shareholders that it's an AI company, lies about its products and labels these products as GPT and generative AI, yet still these products are in fact neither GPT nor AI in any ways. Might the company and its CEO be guilty of securities fraud?
ChatGPT's answer
If a company and its CEO communicate to shareholders that they are operating an AI company and misrepresent their products as using technologies like GPT or generative AI when they are not, they could potentially be guilty of securities fraud. Securities fraud includes false or misleading statements or omissions of key facts that investors use to make decisions. If the company's statements about their products are knowingly false or misleading and intended to influence the investors' decisions, this could be considered fraudulent activity under securities laws.
In the United States, for example, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) oversees and enforces securities laws designed to protect investors against fraudulent practices. Misrepresenting the nature of products, especially in a way that could affect investment decisions, can lead to investigations and penalties, including fines and criminal charges.
The determination of guilt would depend on several factors, including the intent behind the misrepresentations, the materiality of the falsehoods (whether they would have influenced an investor’s decision), and the laws and regulations in the jurisdiction where the company operates. Legal proceedings would typically be required to assess the evidence and determine whether securities fraud has occurred.
Notice, I am talking about their Einstein Assistant here, the one you can try on their website. I am not talking about their Einstein Copilot. However, using the word "Einstein" in the naming of their website chatbot is at best misleading.
Our problem
Roughly 4% of website visitors are interacting with a website AI chatbot on average. These 4% of users translates into 67% increased revenue according to IBM. This implies that adding a real AI chatbot to your website can significantly drive sales.
If their Einstein Copilot is as good as their videos claims it is, then their website version should be called "Einstein's retarded cousin" or something - Because mixing these products in as one "suite of products", results in 96% of their website visitors end up believing that Salesforce have something they do not have, and that they have purchased something that Salesforce doesn't seem to be able to even deliver, allowing Salesforce to use their market powers to bully smaller real AI website chatbot vendors out of the market, by leveraging unfair marketing strategies based upon deceptive wording and marketing.
Salesforce does not have an AI website chatbot - At least not the one they're showing on their website
In addition, potential customers for Einstein Copilot might be mislead to believing that Einstein Assistant is relevant to the quality of their Einstein Copilot product, which for obvious reasons would be a marketing disaster for Salesforce.
So the customer conversations becomes as follows; "No, we don't need your AI chatbot, because we're using Einstein". When in fact their Einstein website chatbot is not an AI chatbot, has never been an AI chatbot, and probably never will become an AI chatbot. This results in customers, especially in large companies, ends up believing they have something they do not have, simply because sales executives at Salesforce having sold them on Einstein Copilot can say; "Yeah, we've got a website chatbot too called 'Einstein Assistant'" - Resulting in clients having bought their Einstein Copilot believe they're also covered for a website AI chatbot, when they are in fact not. Let me repeat the important parts once more ...
Salesforce does not have an AI website chatbot, at least not the one they're showing on their website
This might result in Salesforce selling something they do not have, which is misuse of market power, misleading marketing, and possibly security fraud, depending upon how they communicate these products to their shareholders.
In addition to that everybody trying Einstein Assistant would probably never be interested in purchasing Einstein Copilot ...
If Salesforce were interested in playing by the rules here, they would publicly state that they do not have an AI website chatbot. This is a big deal, since such an AI chatbot can reduce customer service costs by 30% and increase online sales by 67%. However, as long as they're marketing their Einstein Assistance indirectly as an "AI chatbot" due to playing on words, their customers, and possibly their shareholders, are mislead to believing that Salesforce "have them covered here", when that's about as far away from the truth as you can come.
AINIRO delivers AI website chatbots
At AINIRO we have real AI website chatbots. You can read more about these chatbots here. However, this is hard for us to communicate, because of larger vendors selling "snake oil", and using unfair marketing strategies, buying our Google Ads keywords, and stealing our SEO keywords.
I wish Salesforce all the best of luck when it comes to their Einstein Copilot product, it might just be fantastic for all I know - But they need to publicly acknowledge that they do not have anything for your frontend website related to AI chatbots. Everything else is misleading marketing.
If Salesforce wants a real AI chatbot for their website, they are of course more than welcome to buy one from us. It would cost them roughly $800 per month, probably a fraction of what they paid for the above press release. And if they don't think we can serve them, realise we've got clients with more than 1 million page views per week, having AI website chatbots answering one question every 3 minute. Serving Salesforce would not be particularly hard for us in fact, even if they've got 10 million page views per month.
It would be in Salesforce interest to fix this
It took me 3 days to understand that Einstein Assistant and Einstein Copilot were two different products, which explains my "Tourette seizures". This implies that most people never having had any experience with Salesforce might believe that the crap they've got on their website is the same quality as their Einstein Copilot, obviously resulting in that these people would not be interested in purchasing their Copilot version.
The association between Einstein Copilot and Einstein Assistant probably results in that Salesforce are loosing hundreds of Copilot clients every single week!
Until Salesforce fixes this, we must assume that selling their CRM systems and their Copilot solution becomes that much more difficult. It would therefor be in their best interest to publicly state that they do not have an AI website chatbot, and that the garbage they've got on their website is not an AI chatbot, for then to make all their customers painfully aware of that they cannot deliver 'an AI website chatbot'.
If Salesforce wants to have an affiliate deal for AI website chatbots, Salesforce is of course more than welcome to sell our stuff instead. We'd be willing to share 30% of first year's revenue with Salesforce for every AINIRO chatbot they sell ...
If it took me 3 days, and 3 articles, to understand that these were different products - What do you think that does to the marketing efforts of your Einstein Copilot Salesforce ...?
Until you fix this Salesforce, we will suffer because a lot of your clients believe they're covered on AI chatbots, and therefor not interested in our AI chatbot, because the decision maker who pays the bills, never takes the time to actually research and QA test his or her own products. And until Salesforce fixes this, everybody trying your "Einstein Assistant" will believe your Einstein Copilot is garbage too, and never even consider it, and instead go to your competition. Facts are, fixing this is in your best interest Salesforce. The fastest way to fix it is to buy our Frank and get rid of that garbage you currently have on your website.
If you know about more fake "alleged AI chatbots" like this, send an email to, and I will analyse them and expose them for what they are.
Have a Custom AI Solution
At AINIRO we specialise in delivering custom AI solutions and AI chatbots with AI agent features. If you want to talk to us about how we can help you implement your next custom AI solution, you can reach out to us below.