Create an AI SaaS Company in a Week

Create an AI SaaS Company in a Week

By combining our white label solution with our AI agents solution, we have delivered an AI chatbot SaaS company to one of our clients. We're not 100% done yet, but we've only worked on it for a week - And we anticipate the system will go live in some few days.

The system is based upon our AI Expert System, and it allows for anyone to register using their Google account. When registering, the client keeps the name and email address, and can market to his users as he see fit. After having logged in, users can ask 3 questions for free per day. When the user's free questions are exhausted, the user needs to pay to continue using the system. Below you can see a screenshot of the system.

AI SaaS in a box


The system integrates with a patent API, giving it access to roughly 280 million patens, allowing the user to search through all patents in the world. It allows for downloading the original PDF the author submitted during the process, and it will even show diagrams provided by the user inline into the main chat surface. You can see me demonstrating the system below.

These integrations are implemented using our AI functions, which is a part of our AI agents features, allowing us to have the LLM execute functions to extract additional information it needs to answer questions from its users. By combining our technology with a very strong LLM such as ChatGPT, the user can ask questions such as for instance.

  • Search for patents related to xyz
  • Search for patents held by John Doe
  • Analyze IP Trends and Technology Landscapes
  • Evaluate Freedom-to-Operate (FTO)
  • Prepare for IP Attorney Consultations Efficiently

Goal of the project

This particular system will be owned and operated by a partner of AINIRO, which is a fairly big law firm in the US, specialising on IP law. In addition to selling subscriptions to the system, they will also use the system as a "lead generation funnel" for clients in need of legal help related to IP law.

In addition to the system itself, they will also set up a dedicated website, which they will use when marketing the system. This is beyond the scope of our project delivery, but can easily be done by creating a website using for instance WordPress or something similar.

Our delivery

Our deliver for this particular project took about one week, in addition to a couple of days of custom development. So far the client hasn't paid us more than $298, and we anticipate that once the project is completed, the total price for the project for the client will be less than $1,000. Notice, the inexpensive price is only possible because the system has few integrations, few moving parts, and the client is capable of doing a lot of the work himself.

In addition to the work we did, our clients for such system also needs to register an account with Google Cloud API, and create a Stripe account to accept payments. On top of this comes a domain, and a website, but the TCO of a system such as this is easily below $1,000 as long as there are no complex integrations, and you're able to do a lot of the work yourself.

We've got a handful of clients we're currently creating similar system for today. Another client requiring a similar system had more complex requirements, and needed a custom database, in addition to more custom software development. However, the price range for us delivering something such as illustrated in the above YouTube video is typically $298 to $498 per month in recurring payments - In addition to 500 to 10,000 dollars in custom software development on top of this.

For $500 to $10,000 we can basically deliver an AI SaaS company to you, assuming you're willing to put in some 10 to 20 hours of work yourself

The reasons we can deliver an AI SaaS so inexpensive of course, is because we've got all the existing building blocks required to deliver such things out of the box.

This allows us to deliver a complete and fully functioning AI SaaS company for you in a week, based upon either your own data, or API and database integrations. If you want to hear more about our "AI SaaS in a Box" solutions, you can contact us below.

Thomas Hansen

Thomas Hansen I am the CEO and Founder of AINIRO.IO, Ltd. I am a software developer with more than 25 years of experience. I write about Machine Learning, AI, and how to help organizations adopt said technologies. You can follow me on LinkedIn if you want to read more of what I write.

Published 16. Sep 2024

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