Magic Cloud, THE No-Code AI IDE

Magic Cloud, THE No-Code AI IDE

There are probably 10,000 AI chatbot vendors out there. If you remove the low quality ones, you're left with maybe 100. If you remove those not possible to integrate with your existing systems, you're probably down to 25. If you remove those not having image and Markdown support, there are maybe a handful of vendors left standing. However, if you remove those not having No-Code software development capabilities, you're left with one; Magic Cloud.

At this point most AI chatbot vendors will object and claim they've got No-Code features - But that's like claiming a cow can fly, since it can be shot into the air through a canon. I would encourage those people to watch the following video to avoid harming innocent cows.

What is a No-Code AI IDE?

If you watch the above video, you will see how I am capable of starting out from scratch, dynamically add a CRM to my cloudlet, for then to create an AI chatbot that integrates with it using AI Functions. At this point I've got an AI chatbot that can create, read, update and delete items from my CRM. The CRM I'm using in the above video is just a tiny example CRM system, but it could just as well have been HubSpot, SalesForce, or anything else out there.

Then I add my business logic as natural language, which results in an AI Workflow, that allows me to automate parts of my tasks using natural language. The AI chatbot is password protected, and not publicly exposed in any ways, so it's 100% secure, and can only be used by you and your colleagues.

At the end of the process, I've got a working AI chatbot, allowing me to automate whatever tasks I want to automate. Creating something similar in any of the other 10,000 AI chatbots I know about out there is simply impossible.

How it works

An AI chatbot such as the above consists of several parts, and once these parts are synchronised, it can do unfathomable things. Just a couple of years ago the above would be literally science fiction. Below are the primary elements of the above AI chatbot.

  • A System Instruction
  • A RAG / VSS Database
  • AI Functions
  • Natural Language Specifications

The above parts allows me to phrase questions using natural language such as for instance; "I want to create a marketing email" - At which point the chatbot will ask me who I want to create the marketing email for, for then to proceed and scrape the contacts website, and create a personalised marketing email, trying to sell whatever services I want to sell to the contact.

The above is of course just an example, and we could just as well have added specifications to it such as for instance.

  • Write an email to John and tell him I'll be 5 minutes late for our meeting
  • Give me my wife's phone number
  • Check the stock value of Apple and Microsoft, and tell me how they've been moving the last 4 days, and advice me if I should buy Apple or Microsoft based upon historical movements over the last 4 days
  • How many dollars are 546 EUROs
  • Etc, etc, etc

Basically, the above process have arguably made absolutely everything we've done so far throughout the history of computing more or less obsolete.

THAT is a No-Code AI IDE

Because it allows you to assemble working software, based upon AI and natural language, solving whatever real world use cases and requirements you might have - And unless your existing No-Code AI system can do the above, you've not got a No-Code AI system, but at best an AI chatbot that can produce text. Our AI chatbot can do things!

It's like the difference between a person in a wheelchair with no arms and legs, but only the ability to speak - And a person with a million arms and legs that can travel the earth in seconds!

I mean no offense to people in wheelchairs here obviously, but it's a very good analogy to explain the difference.

Got Software, Need AI?

The really cool thing about Magic Cloud is that we can integrate it with any existing systems you might have from before. Are you using NetSuite? No problem, we can create an AI Assistant that integrates with it, creating reports, sending emails, or creating new invoices automatically based upon natural language.

Over the last couple of weeks we've been working extensively with AI Functions, which is at the heart of what we do. We've been innovating so much lately in fact, that we're actually out of ideas about whay to do next. We would therefore love to hear from you what problems you have, and how we can help you solve your problems.

If you want to talk to us about how we can help you with your particular AI needs, or have suggestions to things we should do, you can contact us below.

If you're curious as to why we've got what we've got, and nobody else has it - Let me inform you about that I sent a suggestion to MSDN already back in 2017 for an article based upon natural language and speech synthesis, allowing me to assemble working software by talking to my computer. Microsoft turned it down, saying the following; "We've tried similar things ourselves before, but nobody wants it"

I suspect they regret that decision today ... 😉

But I got another article in there about Hyperlambda, which is at the core of why we can do what we do. This was 7 years ago. If your AI chatbot vendor tells you that they're working on something similar, realise it took us more than 10 years to reach the point we're at now. Implying they might be able to deliver it yes, but that'll probably require 10 years of development ...

Thomas Hansen

Thomas Hansen I am the CEO and Founder of AINIRO.IO, Ltd. I am a software developer with more than 25 years of experience. I write about Machine Learning, AI, and how to help organizations adopt said technologies. You can follow me on LinkedIn if you want to read more of what I write.

Published 21. Jun 2024

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