Mister President, AINIRO is Ready to Serve

The corporate douchbag in me keeps on whispering in my ear; "Don't pick a side." The human being in me tells me; "There are no sides to this, there's crazy and there's those who are grateful that Donald Trump survived today!"
AINIRO is an equal opportunity employer. The first person I interviewed for a position back when I started the company was a bearded person who insisted upon me referring to it as "she". In her social media profile she said she identified as a "hedge witch". I had no idea what a hedge witch was of course, but we're all different, and we need to respect each other, so I gave her a real shot at becoming employee number 1. I also tried my best to avoid referring to her as "him" or "he" - Regardless of how awkward it felt for me to address a dude with long beard as "she".
I tried my best to find room for her, as employee number 1, but she refused to do an assignment I asked her to do to prove her worth as a software developer. My insistance was due to the candidate having no formal education and no formal experience. I still badly wanted to give her a chance, because she obviously had some talent having taught herself Hyperlambda as a part of her application.
FYI, I ended up hiring a high functioning autistic software engineer instead as my employee number 1, so I really mean it when I say we're an equal opportunity employer.
We're all different
We're all different. Some dudes likes the mom, some dudes likes the daughter - Some dudes even prefer the brother or the uncle, or all of the above for that matter - And I seriously could not give less of a shit, as long as it's consentual adults on both sides of the love.
How you organise your lives, who you love, and how you make love, is absolutely none of my business, and I don't intend to make it mine either. If you feel you're born in the wrong body, and you're an adult wanting to have corrective surgery, then great for you! Go for it! I literally could not give less of a sjit!
I'll even do my best to change the pronouns I use as I address you. However, please have some patience with me if I slip up every now and then, because in the world I grew up in, that stuff wasn't something we experienced every day.
I also understand you've been suffering because of your sexuality, and that you might have been bullied at school. And if somebody bullies you because of who you are today, please let me know, and I will hurt the fucker! And if you want to share the rainbow flag on the company LinkedIn profile during Pride Day, great! I'll like it and reshare it if you ask me to! Fucking aye, I'll start!!

BUT ...
If you're one of those psychos sharing crap online today about how you are "sad because the shooter missed", I will not only fire you, but I will fire you by throwing you out of the window from 5th fucking floor!
And while you're falling out of the window, I will throw coffee cups at you aiming for your head you psycho freak! Sorry, nothing personal, but your employment has been terminated. We'll send the remaining salary to your mom to cover your funeral!
Saturday, the bravest politician I have seen in my entire life was almost assassinated, and he stood up, and walked off that stage as a man - And if you can't see that I suggest "corrective eye surgery, alternatively brain surgery if your eye surgeon can't fix you!
And to the former President Donald Trump, and his ability to show courage - OMFG! You officially made it to my shortlist of men with courage! The way you walked off that stage Sir, unfucking believable!
Disagree with me? Great! Show your disagreement during election day, just don't bring your psycho politics to work! Because AINIRO is an equal fucking employer, and that goes for gays, lesbians, transsexuals, the whole fucking alphabet - In addition to Trump fans!
Don't like it? Go work somewhere else!
I have never liked Donald Trump, and I will never vote for him (or Biden) - But I recognise courage when I see it - And if we're to fix this world, we will need courage, conviction, and integrity! You might disagree with his politics, and that's perfectly fine - But President Donald Trump clearly demonstrated he's got courage, conviction, and integrity on Saturday! And I'll take it!

Saturday I was given hope! Hope of something new! Hope of something better! Let's all use it to work together with each other, and try to make the world a little bit better together!
Thank you Sir! Say where, say when! AINIRO is ready to serve!
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