SaaS is Dead

We've been saying that all your existing apps are obsolete for a couple of years. When we say it, few really cares. However, when Satya Nadella says it, people tend to listen. To understand what he meant, you need to read the whole argument, which was roughly as follows.
SaaS apps are basically dead, because they're simple CRUD apps with some business logic, and the LLM can completely replace this horizontal, allowing people to use AI Agents instead
To appreciate Nadella's words, let's look at some of the stuff we're doing in this space.
Notice, you can try it out here.
SaaS is Dead, Long Live SaaS
If you look at the above video, you will realise it's not the SaaS business model that's dead, it's just existing SaaS software. This is because traditionally each SaaS company in the world have based their existence on top of rich graphical user interfaces (GUIs). Such GUIs will inevitably be replaced entirely by AI agents, allowing us to use natural language to solve problems we previously needed GUIs to solve.
This creates an opportunity in time and space that allows you to create an AI Agent-based SaaS company today, and literally replace the entire value proposition of billion dollar companies such as SalesForce and HubSpot with a simple CRUD generator and some basic prompt engineering.
Need SaaS AI?
At AINIRO one of our core products is our AI Expert System. This system allows us to deliver white label AI Agent SaaS apps, sometimes extremely fast. Typically we can deliver an AI Agent-based SaaS app in a couple of weeks, for as little as some few thousands up front for customisations, and some 300 to 500 dollars per month for hosting.
This means that for roughly a month worth of salary, you can deliver something that's 100x better than SalesForce,, HubSpot, NetSuite, etc. These companies spent billions of dollars creating their niche and defending it, and you can basically replace it for $2,000 in TCO for the first month, and some 300 to 500 per month for consecutive months. The TCO for your first year of operation would be much less than $10,000, and your end product would be 100 times better than anything existing in this space.
And to further sugar the pill, you don't have to replace these systems. All of these systems already have existing APIs, allowing you to create and implement your AI Agent as an additional app, being an alternative way to interact with your existing data and systems.
Wrapping up
It took me a couple of hours to create a better, something you can see in the above video. Not only does it allow you to book hotels, but it also allows you to find available flights to where you're going. Try it out below for yourself.
When I can deliver something that almost completely replaces in a couple of hours worth of coding, imagine how many software developers are currently out there pounding at these same problems. Of course, most will need much more than a couple of hours to finish their new AI Agent-based SaaS companies - But eventually there will be winners in every single vertical that exists - And at that point Marc Benioff and other SaaS CEOs will simply have to find new jobs, because this is not something they can deal with.
SaaS is dead, long live AI Agent-based SaaS apps!
Have a Custom AI Solution
At AINIRO we specialise in delivering custom AI solutions and AI chatbots with AI agent features. If you want to talk to us about how we can help you implement your next custom AI solution, you can reach out to us below.