Use Telegram!
I just saw an interview with Pavel Durov conducted by Tucker Carlsen on Twitter. The interview was shared by Elon Musk, and Pavel told Tucker how he could no longer travel to the US because the FBI was harrassing him, asking difficult questions, trying to hire his engineers, and even convince Pavel to use "specific open source libraries" in Telegram's client. Pavel was of course arrested in France yesterday because of, and I quote the President of France here; "Not adequately censoring Telegram groups."
As an act of support, AINIRO will no longer use anything but Telegram for customer sensitive data. The reasons should be obvious for anyone knowing anything about corporate espionage and some history about the CIA.
When the CIA stole an Airplane job
Back in the 1980s both Airbus and Boeing was competing for a job to deliver airplanes for some airliner. The CEO of Boeing went to the CIA for help. He wanted to know what bid Airbus was going to deliver, so the CIA put a couple of agents on the plane of Airbus' CEO. This was a closed bid contest, and whoever delivered the best and least expensive bid would win the job.
The CIA agents were able to retrieve the final bid from Airbus by evesdropping on the CEO of Airbus, and sent this number to the CEO of Boeing. Boeing underbid Airbus by some few thousand dollars, and won the job.
The above story is publicly available information, and you can probably find it on WikiPedia. It's a part of CIA's history.
Corporate Espionage is NOT National Security
Sorry CIA and DHS, but we cannot afford compromising our clients' data and have your government steal sensitive data from our clients. It's therefor with great regret we inform the DHS, the CIA, the FBI, and the French police, that we will exclusively be using Telegram from now on to share sensitive information with our clients. And we also encourage all other compaines in the world to do the same.
Nothing personal, it's just business 😊
Now of course, if some terrorist shares information with us about how he intends to blow up bombs in the US or something - We will of course be more than willing to share this information with the relevant government officials - But besides from that, you're just going to have to trust us!