Delivering AI SaaS Companies for the Price of a Website

Fintell AI is about to be launched in a couple of days. Fintell AI is a kick ass AI-based SaaS company, giving you access to all Swedish companies, their financial reports, KPIs, details about directors, etc. Basically, your one stop shop for everything related to information about Swedish companies, delivered as a conversational AI chatbot, based upon natural language and ChatGPT. You can see a screenshot below.
For Fintell AI we had to create a custom database, with some complex backend logic to synchronise a PostgreSQL database with CSV files published daily through an SFTP site. This made the project more complex, resulting in that we had to charge extra for these parts. But in general, we're now able to deliver a complete out of the box AI SaaS company, roughly for the same price you'd typically pay for a custom website.
The Price of an AI SaaS Company
If you ask the average Ukrainian outsourcing company how much they'll need to create a custom website for you, the price will typically end up at around $2,000, depending upon how complex your site needs to be. This is roughly the same price we'd charge you for a complete AI SaaS company.
For about $2,000, and some $498 in monthly fees for an enterprise plan, we can now deliver a complete "out of the box" AI SaaS company, similar to the one we delivered for Fintell AI.
AI changes things. When you create a typical application you'll need a frontend GUI. In addition you'll need a backend. When we deliver an AI SaaS company, we don't need to modify our AI Expert System's GUI. Any customisation is done by configuring the system, and we're able to reuse 98% of our existing backend logic due to our Low-Code AI platform.
This ensures you get stable and secure code that's already been battle tested, while reducing our resource requirements to deliver your system. This also ensure you get "free updates" of your system in the future, since we own the IP and have incentives for making it better without having to bill our clients. Since custom development is typically only 10% of the work required to deliver your AI SaaS company, this implies you pay less, while you get more. Basically ...
More bang for your bucks
For us configuring a complete AI SaaS Company for you now typically implies 20 to 50 hours of customisation, allowing us to deliver such a system for you for the same price most would charge you for a custom website. If you're interested in understanding how we can do this, you can watch the following video illustrating the ideas we build on top of.
Have a Custom AI Solution
At AINIRO we specialise in delivering custom AI solutions and AI chatbots with AI agent features. If you want to talk to us about how we can help you implement your next custom AI solution, you can reach out to us below.