An Honest InMail

An Honest InMail

Dear [Insert Name],

I literally couldn't give less of a sjiit about how this email finds you. You were simply at the top of my search results on LinkedIn as I was trying to find some new leads to sell our E-Commerce AI chatbots to. I assume the feeling is mutual. I'll therefore cut straight to the chase.


Why? Because it's simply the best! Our AI chatbot can show images, integrate with your existing systems, execute AI workflows, and the whole shebang! As far as I know, we've got the best and the most feature rich AI chatbot in the industry, and we're proud as hell about that fact! If you're still not convinced, you can try it out below for free!

After you've tested our tech in the above link, and you've realised we've got the best AI chatbot money can buy, specifically made for E-Commerce, and you've figured it's worth a minimum of $298 per month, feel free to book an appointment with me below.

Psst, sorry for not bothering to take the time to replace the above [Insert Name] parts with your actual name, but since 1 out of 50 of these InMails actually succeeds, and I'm busy giving support to our amazing customers who already bought, and also creating a better product - I simply couldn't find the time. Something I'm sure you will appreciate once you actually become a client of us!

Have a nice day 😊

Thomas Hansen

Thomas Hansen I am the CEO and Founder of AINIRO.IO, Ltd. I am a software developer with more than 25 years of experience. I write about Machine Learning, AI, and how to help organizations adopt said technologies. You can follow me on LinkedIn if you want to read more of what I write.

Published 19. Jul 2024

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